On 01/09/07, Marc Riddell michaeldavid86@comcast.net wrote:
Real quick question (I don't know where else to go for this):
On a Mailing List what is the difference between a digested & non-digested Member? This is not the beginning of a joke - I really don't know. I just hope it's not a culinary thing :-).
on 9/1/07 5:04 PM, Majorly at axel9891@googlemail.com wrote:
Digested means you don't get every post as an individual email. Instead you get them as a batch. Non digested is getting every post as an email. I prefer non digested as it's easier to reply to them, but others may prefer to get less email.
On 9/1/07, Marc Riddell michaeldavid86@comcast.net wrote:
Thanks, Alex. I can be a bit dense sometimes :-).
on 9/1/07 6:04 PM, K P at kpbotany@gmail.com wrote:
Well, at least you were aware enough to ask the question. I was hoping it had something to do with pulp mills.