Moin David,
On Friday 09 December 2005 21:58, David Gerard wrote:
Tels wrote:
The most FAQ was "How do I start a new article?" followed by "And why is this so complicated?", closely followed by "How do I add a headline again?"
That's specifically why I put how to make a section in that in the example ;-)
I did a radio interview on Wikipedia yesterday. I actually tried to lure casual editors to feel free to edit.
It'd be nice if anon contributors could start articles again. If regulars don't like getting a template, perhaps it could be on just for anon editors.
I think anon users rights have nothing to do with this issue of whether the edit box should be pre-filled or not, and whether it should be easier to create new articles :)
(IMHO anon edits should be disallowed entirely, but this is just my private opinion which doesn't carry much weight and/or might be wrong/impractical/impolite etc :)
Especially in-frequent contributors tend to forget these things very quick and since the computer should help the humans and not vice versa, I finally patched my local Mediawiki installation to fix this issue. Everyone's been happy since :)
Please submit the patch! (Is there a bug for this yet?)
Actually, I just added one new link to the toolbox on the left, which goes to a HTML page with a form entry on a webserver, which bounces the user back to the wiki. I am sure it is possible to create a specialpage (Specialpages:NewArticle?) that does the same, but the external form was easier for me.
The disadvantage of my solution is that you need to be already logged in for the form to work, otherwise you get the "please login first" message, and since clicking "log me in" on that page loses the "where you came from" (which is a bug), the user will then be on the main page.
Best wishes,
- -- Signed on Fri Dec 9 23:46:06 2005 with key 0x93B84C15. Visit my photo gallery at http://bloodgate.com/photos/ PGP key on http://bloodgate.com/tels.asc or per email.
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