On 26 Oct 2005, at 12:15, Alphax wrote:
So, a website which sells widgets and is unknown outside of the widget community should not have an article; a website which is reasonably well-known in the widget community should be mentioned in the article on widgets; and a website which sells widgets, well known within the widget community, /which has been Slashdotted/, could have it's own article.
I am prepared to admit that there are things that should be well known outside their community, and that a good and interesting article with real links (that show the connections to the things outside the community) could do that. Slashdottings after all happen when someone inside the community notices that the company has announced a new superwidget. Or the annual report might mention something of more general importance, perhaps the widget company was the largest financer of a politician. These things are on the border of primary research, but are fact based and interesting. Real links outside widgetspace make things notable and interesting.