On 22/11/06, David Gerard dgerard@gmail.com wrote:
Interesting in that one of the nastier bits of systemic bias to fix is when you're pissing off people and you don't realise it.
(c.f. issues on foundation-l re: open content licences and possible social unworkability in France.)
It was also interesting in that it was said as if she was quoting someone else rather than composing the sentence as it was being said. So yes, there might be a critique available.
I'd be very interested to see this. The only "self-describing" feminist criticism of Wikipedia I've run across was about a year ago at most, maybe a bit less - if memory serves, it was comparing [[Man]] and [[Woman]] and not being entirely impressed, mainly on the grounds that the latter had a tasteful section of "slang terms for women".
(Looking at it as a followup just now... huh. Those two articles could probably do with a bit of deliberate convergence...)