G'day Selina,
On 26/05/06, Mark Gallagher m.g.gallagher@student.canberra.edu.au wrote:
G'day Angela,
On 5/22/06, Mark Gallagher m.g.gallagher@student.canberra.edu.au wrote:
It may have escaped your notice, but the "9/11 Memorial Wiki" is not a part of Wikipedia (IIRC it's on Wikicities, but ICBW).
That wiki is not, and never was, part of Wikia (formerly Wikicities). It's a Wikimedia project with a Wikipedia URL, and the vote on meta at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/9/11_wiki_move_proposal shows there was never any support (including from me) of it being moved to Wikicities.
Yeah, as Prasad pointed out, that was a case of shooting the ol' mouth off without checking if the facts backed me up first (fear not, I don't do this while writing *articles* ...). Whoops.
While the Wikimedia Foundation is, of course, free to host what it likes, I don't think something like this belongs at wiki*pedia*.org.
Liberalism gone crazy, there's nothing wrong with a memorial to 9/11...
"Liberalism" and the daemonisation thereof, gone crazy or otherwise, is an American concept and I do not subscribe to it. You may wish to call me a leftist no-goodnik, if you like; it's not true, but it gets the same concept across.
Bear in mind this is an Australian advocating it's deletion, not an American.
I'm advocating the deletion of nothing. I agree that there's nothing wrong with a Sep11 memorial, and I don't even have a problem with the WMF hosting it. I just don't think it belongs under the Wikipedia domain name; WP:NOT a memorial, after all.
Note that I'm not arguing this particularly strenuously, and not starting any movements to have it moved (heh) to .wikimedia.org or wikia/wikicities. That's the problem with us chardonnay socialists, we're too busy sipping lattes in inner-city Melbourne to actually get off our well-toned arses and do something ...
(If you got half the jokes in this post, you're probably Australian. If you thought they were funny, the cheque is in the mail.)