On May 19, 2006, at 10:07 AM, Molu wrote:
Corollery to Loom91's First Law ([[WP:RAUL]]) states "Whatever must pass for the Truth on WIkipedia is necessarily determined by consensus". As for obviousness and common sense, Wikipedia's article on [[Ball]] begins with "A ball is a round or spherical object that is used most often in sports and games." Should that be removed because it's obvious (much more obvious than Plot Summaries containing spoilers, which is not particularly obvious)? An encyclopedia necessarily repeats the obvious for the sake of completeness.
Yeah, and if someone with no idea what a ball was looked up "ball", they better have a way to quickly find out. If someone with no idea that Citizen Kane was a movie looked up that article and saw a heading called "Plot summary", they would *already know* that the following information contained plot details. There's no need to tell them twice.
I think the {{spoiler}} template, if used at all, should only be used to guard actual spoilers--i.e. "Darth Vader is Luke's father", "Rosebud is his sled", the end of any M. Night Shymalan film, etc.