David Gerard wrote:
Charles Matthews wrote:
A striking number, i.e. 2000 per day. More than the amount of honest page creation. AfD is only around 5% of that. Presumably there is something behind the four-figure numbers some admins clocked up. My 20 or so seems strangely inadequate if not.
Go do [[Special:Newpages]] patrol some time. (Sunday afternoon and evening US time are "good" for this.) MY GOD, THE AVALANCHES OF CRAP! I can fully believe we have ~2000 shoot-on-sight new page creations a day.
Don't forget that this number varies widely depending on the ideology of the person doing the patrol. Indeed, my very first contribution ever -- which was creating a page titled [[Extrema]] containing the text "Plural of [[extremum]]." -- was deleted when it should have been turned into a redirect. Several further contributions of mine were deleted when another action would have been obviously more sensible. It feels to me more like an avalanche of rampant admins than an avalanche of crap.
That said, I have done Newpages patrol in the past and I too encounter a lot of "shoot-on-sight" pages (I particularly don't get why people create pages where the content is a copy of the title)...