May I change the layout of the homepage of the English Wikipedia to that of the Esperanto Wikipedia? I think that layout looks much better. I would ask this on [[Talk:Main Page]], but not many people look there that often, and this would be a huge change.
The current layout on en: is the result of long, long discussions and many, many compromises. It's not made for eternity, of course, but I'd prefer gradual changes to massive ones. While I like the Esperanto main page from a purely aesthetic point of view (because it's more colorful, and uses the aesthetically more pleasing Cologne Blue skin by default), I prefer the English Main Page layout from a logical point of view, because it manages to present a very nice mix of information on little space. The "Selected articles" box on en: is IMHO unmatched by all other Wikipedias.
In any case, please use [[Main Page/Temp]] for working on this, and not the live Main Page. Otherwise you might provoke a few edit wars.