On 8/24/05, slimvirgin@gmail.com slimvirgin@gmail.com wrote:
On 8/23/05, Stan Shebs shebs@apple.com wrote:
slimvirgin@gmail.com wrote:
Look at the response to Amalekite's post here http://www.vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=22047&highlight=wikipedia
One thing that puzzles me is that these quotes are not firsthand from Amalekite ... So it sounds like we're talking about pre-banning not on the strength of a person's own statements, but on what other people are saying about him?
But Amalekite runs the board. He runs [[Vanguard News Network]], and yet he's not banning the people who want the "white man" to use physical force against "semitic jew mongrels." He himself ended up having to be moderated by Stormfront because of his anti-Semitic language. It comes to something when even Stormfront starts deleting your posts.
That's as may be, but you are missing the point. Perhaps innocently. You aren't quoting anything actually written by the man himself. If you were giving evidence in court, all your hearsay would be tossed out.