At 07:03 AM 6/6/2003, Antheré wrote:
Oh ! That is very good day then ! I learned a new interesting term. I could just see the relationship with elk, since she was talking of reins. I did not know Zoe played with words. I will read her more carefully then :-)
Would the expression "I feel akin with Martin and Camembert" be proper ?
Actually, the expression would be closer to:
"Camembert and MyRedDice and other people like them, who unwisely give trolls free rein"
Zoe is asserting her DISTASTE for C and M's positions, not an agreement with them. The word "ilk" is usually used, while not as a pejorative per se, as a negative term.... as it is here. It is often used in the following phrase, "you and your ilk" meaning "you and the other unsavory people like you".
In fairness to Zoe, I would imagine she was using it humorously and in hyperbole.
----- Dante Alighieri
"The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of great moral crisis." -Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321