Alphax (Wikipedia email) wrote:
Fred Bauder wrote:
On Nov 24, 2006, at 8:50 PM, Puppy wrote:
So where is the limit, Fred? Attack women on the mailing list, ok. Call them a cunt, that's ok too. Say all women are idiots, that's ok. As long as we don't out their personal information? Where is your line for "bad behavior" drawn, precisely? There has been a thread for a couple of months about the imbalance of the ratio of men to women editors for months now, and I am saying attacking women /because they are women/ is, to put it mildly, off-putting. Its beyond uncivil. It is, as David Gerard's friend pointed out, "hopelessly patriarchally biased and useless to harmful."
None of that is acceptable.
So what should we do about it?
Where has anyone done those things? The simple answer is: kick the bad people out, end of story.