"By and large, administrators and editors are responsible for all actions on Wikipedia that may involve legal action. Most administrative actions on Wikipedia should not fall under any existing laws. However, should an admin be summoned to a court of law under a suit alledging illegal action as part of an administrative act, the Foundation will assist the admin to the point of asserting that the Foundation controls the content on all sites under their jurisdiction, and that the admin is an appointed delegate of the Foundation and is generally free to carry out those orders as they see fit. This assertion may be made as a "friend of the court" brief, or a statement on behalf of the admin and or their legal counsel. The Foundation may also, at it's discression, take any further action or provide any further assistance. If an action taken by an admin actully violates any laws, then the admin is acting solely within their own judgment and are not representing the Foundation in those actions, and as such, responsible for any legal issues that arrise."
How can the WMF know if the action violates any laws until after the trial, since determining that is the point of the trial? Despite that, I think any court is likely to know who controls what, so I don't see any statement from the foundation being necessary.