Delirium said:
geni wrote:
If some information is missing, then people will wonder what else is missing. And that will lead to mistrust. And to be a mistrusted encyclopedia is worse than reformatting the hard drives.
What information is lost if we don't include the image?
Well, the information the image provides would be lost, I suppose. However, generally people aren't suggesting we don't include the images at all, but merely include them as links, so it would seem to be impossible for any information to be lost---exactly the same information will be present, just navigable in a different manner. Sort of like how old-style books that had figure plates instead of inline figures (due to the printing methods used) did not have less information, merely information in a different order.
I don't have a problem with this, as I've said, it's just that modern browsers provide much more elegant solutions. We should encourage our users to use these freely available tools to enhance their entire web experience. A Wikipedia endorsement of some of the better-designed open source tools would probably do wonders for the takeup of those tools and make our users' browsing experience (of the entire web) much more enjoyable and perhaps even more secure.