On 15 May 2010 21:40, Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell@gmail.com wrote:
On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 9:28 PM, stevertigo stvrtg@gmail.com wrote:
Emily Monroe bluecaliocean@me.com wrote:
I think Charles was saying that admins aren't always good at dealing with the public.
Well it's journalistically improper to use admins as sources. At the very least they would have to find an official cabal member.
Can someone point me to the admins as sources bit?
On IRC earlier today User:Ottava_Rima appeared to be claiming to be their source, though I could have been completely misunderstanding him.
There were quotes from Foundation-L in the article, which is, I believe, what Charles was referring to. It's time to recognise that anyone, including reporters, can read those mailing lists; one doesn't even have to subscribe for some of them, I believe. So it is advisable that people think carefully about what they are saying, and to be aware that the audience is not limited to people who are active participants in the various communities.