On 4/5/07, Seraphim Blade seraphimbladewikipedia@gmail.com wrote:
I'm not sure "older is wiser" necessarily applies, though. Sometimes, it's the opposite-the "old guard" gets stuck in a past that no longer exists, and it takes some "fresh blood" to come along and make some changes. I'm not saying that -is- happening here, but I'm not sure why a lot of people seem to think we'll necessarily be well-served by doing things the way it was done when the project was a tenth its size. Sometimes that may be, but in a lot of cases, changes may be required. You can run a town of 1,000 or perhaps even 10,000 in a pretty informal, ad-hoc manner. The same is not true of a city of 1,000,000.
Crazy talk. Listen to the crusty old contributors! Ignore the newbies!
Grrr. In my day...