On 5/28/06, geni geniice@gmail.com wrote:
On 5/29/06, Rob gamaliel8@gmail.com wrote:
On 5/28/06, geni geniice@gmail.com wrote:
Nothing we can do. Legaly they are untouchable.
Are they? Surely some of their behavior has crossed or will cross the line into illegal stalking.
I doubt it although IANAL and my knowlage of criminal law is minimal. In any case that only hits indivdual members.
Yes, it only hits individual members, but if what some of their activities ARE illegal and enforceable (and I'm thinking of what happened with Jayne Hitchcock's stalker), it at least discourages WR members from doing anything illegal. They can harp on Wikipedia all they want, but if they want to do something illegal, they'd better watch their backs.