On 2007.09.17 16:19:44 +0100, David Gerard dgerard@gmail.com scribbled 15 lines:
"MediaDefender's damage control program went into full swing shortly after that. When Douglas pointed out that information about MiiVi had been added to the MediaDefender Wikipedia page, Saaf decided that he wanted it taken down. "Can you please do what you can to eliminate the entry? Let me know if you have any success," Saaf wrote. "I will attempt to get all references to miivi removed from wiki," developer Ben Ebert replied. "We'll see if I can get rid of it.""
(courtesy Mathias)
- d.
Well, the nice thing is that given recent coverage, we certainly don't need to worry about not having well-edited articles on them...
Of course, all this merely raises the problem that leaked emails are hardly a RS until they get quoted by somebody and are alchemically transmuted into RSs.
-- gwern SAMCOMM ladylove Poe of 757 detection rita 5ESS sigint Fedayeen