On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 8:52 AM, Sheldon Ramptonsheldon@prwatch.org wrote:
Steve Bennett wrote:
Oh, this is so easy in MOO code[1], it's not funny:
{{`tostr(args[1], " + ", args[2], " = ", args[1] + args[2]) ! ANY => "that's an error"'}}
(yes that's a backquote at the start and a normal one at the end. Semantics of "+" may differ from what you intended.)
I think it needs more squiggly brackets. And a couple of @ symbols. Can you sprinkle in some hash marks too, pretty please?
dir /b >filenames.txt
A simple DOS command that I had to spend a fair amount of time looking up.
Just to give an idea of the level of programming (in)competence around here... :-)