On 9/19/06, dmehkeri@swi.com dmehkeri@swi.com wrote:
Seriously, am I the first one to bring ND up? If so, there's probably no point adding rules for a rare or even hypothetical case. If not, is there a pointer to discussion somewhere?
The "free" in "Free encyclopedia" has always been in reference to "free content." If you read our page on free content you'll see that its very definition prohibits a ND license being within that scope.
"Free content, or free information, is any kind of functional work, artwork, or other creative content having no legal restriction relative to people's freedom to use, redistribute, improve, and share the content. Importantly, when free content is modified, expanded, or incorporated within another work, the resulting work must also be distributable as free content (see share-alike). To be considered free content, a work must allow modification and redistribution."
This is probably why it doesn't come up much and isn't addressed explicitly. I didn't think we needed to address it since it seems obviously to fall outside of our use of "free".