(I assumed that there is no equivalent of "fair use" in France or in the Netherlands, but I really don't have a clue...)
There's probably something. Here's my unofficial translation of a part of the Icelandic copyright laws law. I'm not a lawyer and I find it hard to translate Icelandic legelese.
"Article 14. It is permitted to quote a published work of literature, including plays and published films and musical compositions, for the purposes of criticism, science, general introduction or for other acceptable purposes, if it is done correctly and within reasonable boundaries. Under the same conditions it is allowed to publish pictures and drawings of published artworks and files, as per 3rd paragraph of article 1. If pictures or drawings of two or more works by the same author are published in connection with text relating to a general introduction the author has a right to renumeration."
The next article gives a further right to use copyrighted materials for purposes of reporting.
If I read this right the estate of [[Einar Jónsson]] would have a right to renumeration if the Wikipedia article were published in Iceland, since we use more than one picture of his works. However, the estate would not have the right to forbid publication of the article since the material is within reasonable limits and "correct".
Regards, Haukur
The original:
"Heimil er tilvitnun í birt bókmenntaverk, þar á meðal leiksviðsverk, svo og birt kvikmyndaverk og tónverk, ef hún er gerð í sambandi við gagnrýni, vísindi, almenna kynningu eða í öðrum viðurkenndum tilgangi, enda sé hún gerð innan hæfilegra marka og rétt með efni farið. Með sömu skilyrðum er heimilt að birta myndir og teikningar af birtum listaverkum og gögnum, sem getið er í 3. mgr. 1. gr. Nú eru birtar myndir eða teikningar af tveimur verkum eða fleiri hins sama höfundar í sambandi við meginmál, sem lýtur að almennri kynningu, og á hann þá rétt til þóknunar." (from http://tinyurl.com/amb3e)