On 8/23/06, gil penchina gil@wikia.com wrote:
Hmm. tough one.
I do think there was general perception that TRUE consensus does not scale as too many people get involved, and that as a result two bad things happen:
- Some votes get held hostage by a single bad actor
- Some people are afraid to voice disagreement in fear of upsetting
the consensus
I walked away thinking that Kelly's best way to prove this, is to show analytically the average time to get a vote, and the % of votes being approved - and see if the data proves that as the number of people with a vote increases, the time to decisions slows to a crawl, and more and more decisions never happen.
If true- it would be pretty compelling. No one in the room seemed to have a religious belief that 100% AYE votes were per-se the right answer
Gil Gil@wikia.com
Now I'm confused. Voting definitely doesn't scale. But was Kelly suggesting that the fact that voting doesn't scale has something to do with a claim that consensus decision making doesn't scale?