On 3/14/06, Mark Gallagher m.g.gallagher@student.canberra.edu.au wrote:
We *don't* strive for balance. We strive for a neutral point-of-view. The distinction is small, but vital.
Can you elaborate? I'm only just getting my head around WP:V. When I understand NPOV, I'll be 2/3 of the way to Wiki-enlightenment.
PS for anyone who thinks they understand WP:V, take this multiple choice quiz:
Every contribution to Wikipedia must: a) Be independently verifiable (eg, claiming a politican went to X school is logically somehow verifiable) b) Have been published in a verifiable source c) Have been published in a reliable source d) Be accompanied by a citation in a reliable, verifiable source e) All of the above f) None of the above
Select all that apply! Have fun!