On 01/15/04 at 11:24 AM, "Poor, Edmund W" Edmund.W.Poor@abc.com said:
I've been asked to be a mediator, by Jack Lynch (seconded by Danny) re: RK.
First, what exactly you are mediating? "Re. RK" is a rather broad concept; moreover, mediation implies two parties.
I invite those who know me well (and who have earned my trust) to contact me privately /immediately upon/ seeing any signs of bias on my part that may tend to sabotage the mediation.
Second, aren't mediations handled more or less confidentially? Or do you plan to debate things on a public page or mailinglist?
P.S. Gosh, I wear a lot of hats!
Well I hope for your sake that this one doesn't turn out to be a crown of thorns!