Mark Pellegrini wrote: - Raul's 6th law of Wikipedia (formulated in November, 2004):
"Wikipedia's steadily increasing popularity means that within the next year or two, we will begin to see organized corporate astroturfing campaigns."
Prediction confirmed - August 28, 2005 -
"However, the concern continues. One anonymous reader contacted Boingboing telling them he worked at a marketing company that uses Wikipedia for its online marketing strategies.."That includes planting of viral information in entries, modification of entries to point to new promotional sites or 'leaks' embedded in entries to test diffusion of information. Wikipedia is just a more transparent version of [online meeting place] Myspace as far as some companies are concerned. We love it."
Is it really confirmed, though? Bring me a clear example, and I'll have a *lot* of fun with embarassing the company in the media.
I suspect it is not true. Anyone can make an anonymous post to boingboing. They don't even let other people edit it. ;-)