2009/4/9 David Gerard dgerard@gmail.com:
I predict it won't stop it for a moment. Mike Johnson of CZ has noted before that criticising Wikipedia is the quickest way to publicity for Citizendium: http://moderndragons.blogspot.com/2007/05/modern-dragons-now-with-20-more-um... As I commented on that post, it's not clear that's good for Citizendium in the long run. Entirely too many Citizendium contributors appear to be in it to be against Wikipedia, rather than e.g. to write an encyclopedia.
Further note from Tara Hunt: "How not to build a community: Part I: the anti-community "
"The first mistake I ever made in community fostering is to position the company I worked for in opposition to another one (can't find that post, but I was an idiot). So let me offer this unsolicited advice: Rule #1 in building your own reputation is to never ever ever build it on the grounds that it is different/better/etc. than an established company"
See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fork_%28software_development%29 - the successful forks don't spend their time railing against the other tine of the fork ... they get on with being good of their own account.
- d.