On 22/04/07, Andrew Gray shimgray@gmail.com wrote:
On 21/04/07, David Gerard dgerard@gmail.com wrote:
Hmm, possibly. I'm trying to work out a way of doing this that wouldn't involve "and after you run the check, edit these five pages." It's got to be automatic in the tool.
Email notification? If the user-who-is-checked is has an email, they get an email generated to their address saying so and with a handy explanation.
This should lead to wild fun.
"Why did you check me?!" "Can't tell you, sorry." "This is a privacy violation!" "Not when I didn't tell anyone." "YUO ARE A ROUGE CHECKUSeR!!" "Um, no I'm not. But you can ask these guys to go over it if you're sure I am." [ wait a month due to huge ombudsman queue ] "No really, he's not."
So far this is all striking me as "we must do something, this is something, therefore we must do this" rather than anything that will actually be productive.
It's not clear what can be done with the function existing at all that will meaningfully deal with the apparent fears and problems. Someone is going to be able to look. It's not just the few devs with database access because they don't scale.
- d.