On 15/08/06, Andrew Gray shimgray@gmail.com wrote:
On 15/08/06, David Gerard dgerard@gmail.com wrote:
Wikia has almost-single-signon, I think - most of the Wikias share a login database. Uncyclopedia is separate, I think Memory Alpha is separate.
I thought Uncyclopedia and Memory Alpha were non-Wikia?
Uncyclopedia is now owned by Wikia (Chronarion finally sold Wikia the domain name and whatever rights attach to the uncyclopedia.org trademark - though the word "uncyclopedia" may not be TMed and the puzzle potato logo is someone else's, and etc and blah, it's all pretty vexed, see http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/DUMP for unedifying heat rather than light). It's been hosted by Wikia since mid last year, and now it's officially part of Wikia. But it still operates pretty much separately as a community, so it's kept its own user database and search database.
- d.