On 08/01/2008, doc doc.wikipedia@ntlworld.com wrote:
What really confuses me is not the links between Wikipedia and the SearchWikia, but the lack of them. I think they/we are missing an obvious possibility.
When I search wikia for "example", two questions arise:
- Why is the Wikipedia article on "example" not listed? It is rated
third in Google, why not at all by wikia? Even when a type "example wikipedia" I don't get a hit? What on earth? Wikipedia seems to be excluded from most searches - or certainly undervalued.
Welcome to the black art of trying to figure out search engine algorithms. First google is a bad choice of comparison here it overanks wikipedia compared to pretty much everyone else. The most popular theory is that google is more relying on domain authority than pagerank. There are other elements such as site age and content change rate that could be causing wikipedia to rank highly. There are other theories.