On 3/5/07, George Herbert george.herbert@gmail.com wrote:
On 3/5/07, Rob Smith nobs03@gmail.com wrote:
On 3/5/07, Marc Riddell michaeldavid86@comcast.net wrote:
on 3/5/07 8:55 PM, Steve Bennett at stevagewp@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all, Not sure if I've seen any discussion of this, but this was
Andy Schlafly, son of Phyllis, is the perfect example of something I
in another thread:
Kids take notes.
Marc Riddell
Roger Schlafly used to edit Wikipedia. Is he involved there too?
Yes, he's the server administrator for Conservapedia.
-- -george william herbert
Well his mom is on the *Right Screws Left* hit list just like Brandt;
anyone who doesn't toe the party line just doesn't seem to have much a chance of making it in Wikipedia.