G'day Ben,
Mark Gallagher wrote:
Ben wrote:
I've heard a lot of people claiming that it's offensive but I'm just not seeing it. How is it offensive? All of the Christians I personally know who I've pointed it out to thought it was either funny or annoying, but not offensive.
Mocking the cross? You can't see what's wrong with that?
I don't worship icons, so no, I really don't see what's wrong with it.
Oh, bravo. No, you're not out to offend *anyone*. You don't see how any of this could *possibly* be offensive. For Pete's sake!
I have some respect for your intelligence (more, it seems, than you have for mine, or that of anyone else who has complained at you), so I can only assume you're engaging in yet more immature trolling. Consider this my own special brand of AGF.
And I didn't "mock" it, I just rotated the canvas ninety degrees thrice.
And a drawing of Mohammed with the caption "You Muslims think you're so great, well how do you like this?" isn't mocking, either ... it's just a few lines on a page. It's funny how, if you break something down in *just* the right way, you can say whatever you want and give it the ring of truth.
That's the problem with this religious stuff. It's entirely subjective and inappropriate for use as, say, a deletion criteria. Which is exactly what some people are trying to use it for.
I don't see what that has to do with you and Greg vandalising a page on Wikipedia. If it had been anyone else, they'd have been (at the very least) given a short block and a ding around the ear. But you spread your hands and say "what's all the shouting about? It's not like I did anything *wrong*."