We revert Michael's edits, but we don't delete a page just because he edited it and his name'll be in the history. Quercusrobur should have erased Michael's discography when (or better, before, to keep things separated out) he put in his own text,
You are right, I should have done. In the event I decided to redo the discography from scratch rather than check for Michael's accuracy or otherwise and didn't even refer to it, so subtle are some of his 'mistakes' and 'mis-information' (I must admit that at first I gave the Michael version Conflict discography a quick scan through and thought, 'hmmm that looks about right' and left it without applying the rigour I would have applied to any alterations to the Crass discography (where I would KNOW of any errors straight away)).
Lesson learned.
Graham Burnett (Quercus robur)
PS. I've been thinking about applying for sysop editing access purely in order to be able to delete junk entries without having to put them on 'votes for deletion' and saving some work and hassle for someone else. But I'm keen to avoid the 'politics' of sysop-hood, I have enough of those sort of hassles in real life!