On 9/7/07, Ray Saintonge saintonge@telus.net wrote:
Vee wrote:
On 07/09/2007, Anthony wikimail@inbox.org wrote:
On 9/7/07, Bryan Derksen bryan.derksen@shaw.ca wrote:
Ben Yates wrote:
We really, really need stable versions. There's no point in trying to spruce up the writing style of heavily-trafficked articles until we get them; I gave up a long time ago.
There's a new MediaWiki version coming up very soon now, will stable versions finally be enabled in it?
Can someone explain how stable versions could possibly help any of this
Stable versions is Wikipedia's answer to everything.
I support stable versions, but that does not justify taking optimism to such dizzying heights. I have been around long enough to appreciate the ability of Wikipedians to generate new bugs in any system.
I assume Vee was being sarcastic, anyway. See [[silver bullet]].
On 9/7/07, Charlotte Webb charlottethewebb@gmail.com wrote:
And my translation of that is: "It's already quite easy for people to vote on their favorite version of an article."
But maybe I just misinterpreted them...