Well perhaps I didn't state that in that particular post, but I have stated it a number of times.
People who make a living *by* writing and creating web pages, would often be mollified by being given credit.
I don't consider crediting someone the same as stealing the image. It's really a grey area. Some people don't want you even linking-in their images with or without credit. Many sites will block that, even for photographs of things in the public domain. So consider how they would feel if you simply print-screened the photo, and then uploaded it to commons.
By the way, the example doesn't actually *prove* that she didn't ask for consent, but that's a side issue.
The main issue is really to test the theory by using an image from a site where we *know* they will complain isn't it? I mean there's not much point in testing this by stealing someone's photo who doesn't even notice or care.
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