I personally think that the article about you speaks for itself in terms of critics being reluctant to edit, out of courtesy to you, or fear of you having the same sort of outbursts that you've had at Ed Poor in the past.
The only "outburst" by Sheldon I remember is the joke about modifying the software to have a switch to have "the ability to push a button that will instantly send one million megavolts coursing through the body of Ed Poor. (Just joking.)" This was written in February, after Ed started a flame- thread in January: http://mail.wikipedia.org/pipermail/wikien-l/2003-January/000889.html
Furthermore, Ed himself has started other nice threads like http://mail.wikipedia.org/pipermail/wikien-l/2003-October/007114.html in which he wrote: "I'm going to start issuing official warnings to NPOV violators. If that doesn't slow them down, I'm going to suspend them -- give them a temporary ban." He was referring to one of his "opponents" in the global warming debate.
Of course everyone was willing to accept this as a temporary outburst (although it was clearly not a joke). Ed is a good contributor, but to exclusively put blame on Sheldon here for their difficulties on the global warming article and others, to imply that others would be fearful of Sheldon's "outbursts", that is completely in contradiction with the actual record. Let's not rewrite history here. I think your own POV is clouding your judgment.