Karl A. Krueger wrote:
On Sun, Sep 11, 2005 at 06:24:27PM -0700, Matt Brown wrote:
The problem with top-posting is not so much the top-posting itself, it is what it generally goes along with: copying the entire text of the article being replied to, and not being specific about what you're replying to.
Full-quoting is really annoying for those of us who read mailing lists in digest mode: it means that we have to page through reams of repeated text in order to read the new messages. Since digest mode is a useful and supported feature of the list, it makes sense to discourage people from gratuitously breaking it by full-quoting.
I might add that this was one of the reasons I switched to single-message mode - that and getting several digests in a row where *every single message* was on the same topic. Hurt the eyes and the hip pocket.