the Epopt of Boskone wrote:
I would imagine there are few who would directly equate the Nazi regime with Soviet Russia.
I have to agree with Zoney here: few would consider them equivalent. Soviet Russia was directly responsible for an order of magnitude more deaths than the Nazis, and indirectly responsible for two orders of magnitude more.
I would think the Hammer and Sickle is not as immediately abhorrant a symbol (although admittedly I am not in the US).
I have to disagree with Zoney here. Despite the best efforts of [[Franklin Delano Roosevelt|Uncle Frank]] to rehabilitate the image of his buddy [[Joseph Stalin|Uncle Joe]] here in the United States, I, at least, find the Soviets far more abhorrent than the Nazis.
Excuse me from seeming ignorant here, but I was under the impression that the Nazi's committed as a willing and coordinated group, while Stalin was really the reason why millions died.