Or popular with the readers, at least.
Interesting. I am surprised that "Irukandji jellyfish" came so high up on the list... is there some anomoly here?
...Interesting to see how quickly our use (apparently) reacts to news stories. The sex-related ones - lists of porn stars etc - were consistently high and are now dropping; I wonder where they'll stabilise at.
It really is a case of "be careful what you wish for", isn't it?
We were quite pleased over at en.wiktionary when Leon turned stats on there for us a couple of days previously, but the joy is now mixed with rue as we learn that among our most popular entries, so far, are consistently MILF, penis, fuck, masturbate, and breasts.
(It's true, though; clearly we'll all want to wait weeks or months before we can imagine that the stats in general aren't swamped by fixations du jour.)