On 9/9/06, Mark Gallagher m.g.gallagher@student.canberra.edu.au wrote:
I think posts like this one, considering both your suggestion at top (however tongue-in-check you intended it) and the story you relate here show just why CVU, if it must exist at all, needs a swift kick in the butt.
[0] Depending on how you define it. If you don't care about newbies bitten, games of Chinese Whispers enjoyed, Cluey people pissed off, etc., CVU is wonderful.
On the other hand the CVU is one of the more welcomeing communities for newbies and I suspect at least some of those complaining about newbie being bitten are mearly anoyed that they didn't get thier first.
Finaly truely cluey people don't get pissed off.