On 19/05/07, K P kpbotany@gmail.com wrote:
On 5/19/07, Guy Chapman aka JzG guy.chapman@spamcop.net wrote:
On Fri, 18 May 2007 20:33:41 -0700, "K P" kpbotany@gmail.com wrote:
You really understand what Catch-22 is about? I thought I did before I
I think the more times you read it the less well you understand it, but that's just my personal view. It is a masterpiece.
I fear rereading it for this reason, that I will wind up understanding less than after reading it for the first time, which pretty much left me dumbfounded--thanks for the confirmation. It sits at the top of my neurotically-approached-(versus the stack of books I just grab from)-TBR pile, along with *The Big Money* so I don't have to say good-bye to the trilogy too soon.
The time line makes no sense because the viewpoint character is crazy.
- d.