From: "Gutza"
Alex R. wrote:
Anyway, this is just another legal beagle suggestion, and as usual it is not "legal" advice, just a suggestion.
I'll say, judging by the length of your message, this not only looks legal, it looks like a full-fledged license agreement. I have to be honest here and say I could only go thorugh half of it (maybe less) before my attention span spanned to something else (such as writing this e-mail). I highly doubt the average Wikipedian's attention span spans considerably wider than mine. Can you please resume? For as long as I've been able to follow, you make sense, just KISS please!
That was the KISS version. but the super kiss is as follows: We have mediators who privately review disputes with someone who is a complaint person and the person who has been accused (they can have a advocate). If that private session is not resolved, then they go to arbitratoin. Jimbo can always set it aside (so it is not strictly speaking arbitration). but there can be one or three arbitrators, the arbitration is in writing, generally reviewable by other members and results in a written decision and submitted to Jimbo.