On 9/21/07, Armed Blowfish diodontida.armata@googlemail.com wrote:
On 21/09/2007, Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton@gmail.com wrote:
So accusing individuals is a problem, but accusing groups is acceptable?
Yes, basically. If one points out one considers to be a societal problem, any individual member of the society can not feel guilty on the grounds that either a) one is not part of the problem, b) one was just going along with the flow, c) the societal problem is not actually a problem but a good thing, or d) there isn't actually any problem. Blaming individuals removes these defences.
This may be a lovely ethical theory, but it won't help us fix the G-D problems. Blaming groups recuses individuals from the perceived need to fix the problem. If someone is doing something they shouldn't, tell them to stop. Just tell them to stop. Tell them what they should be doing instead. If there's a problem, fix it. If you can't fix it on your own, ask for help.
Just complaining isn't going to get anything done. Go find some actionable problems and fix them. If you need help, ask.
Take responsibility for what's going wrong. If you did something wrong, take responsibility for it. If something is wrong, whether its your responsibility or not, take responsibility for fixing it.
Cheers WilyD