On Dec 6, 2007 7:41 PM, Guy Chapman aka JzG guy.chapman@spamcop.net wrote:
On Thu, 6 Dec 2007 19:05:19 -0500, "Michael Noda" michael.noda@gmail.com wrote:
Alec, Guy, Dan, Jay... take a walk. Outside. Breathe in the cool air of the boreal winter. Look up at the sky and ponder the vastness of the universe. When you come back, try not to read e-mail for the next few days. Trust me, if there's anything that needs to be said, someone else will say it for you; the list membership is both broad and deep. Just start by going for a walk. Now, or as soon as you can bundle up (it's cold!), would be a good time.
Don't be absurd, it's dark, pissing with rain and blowing half a gale.
I'll see your dark and blowing, and raise you snow and ice in a neighborhood of 10%+ hills. UK weather is not an automatic win in Misery Poker. Just dress for the weather; it'll be good for the soul.
On the plus side, I've just been invited to sing the baritone solo in a performance of the Fauré Requiem, which is nice.
Ooh, congratulations!