Phroziac wrote:
Also, I think pictures should be encyclopedic. It's a little silly to just show a picture of a dick with no labels. Look at the picture on the clitoris article. It's all nice and labeled, and I think that's pretty encyclopedic. In fact, I was intending to make a labeled version of those penis pictures, but never got around to it yet.
I think that's exactly the right approach. Contrary to common impressions, I don't think even very conservative parents in the deep south of the US (my own upbringing, you see) have a problem at all with a serious and respectful article like 'clitoris' with a useful illustration.
It might be interesting to do a survey of, for example, schoolteachers in Alabama, to find out what they would find uncomfortable. I suspect that contrary to international perceptions, their views would not be remarkably different from schoolteachers in other places.