Tony Sidaway wrote:
Bill Konrad said:
Tony Sidaway wrote:
Absolutely. The two are distinct problems, but both render live Wikis and other volatile web environments unsuitable for use in schools. Using a filtered Wiki is much more sensible.
But still don't see how anything you said here validates your earlier assertion that all editors would have to bowlderize all their edits.
Do you deny that it's true? Would an encyclopedia containing entries for Dirty Sanchez and Donkey punch *really* be acceptable for classroom use? Would not all edits by all users have to conform to standards acceptable in a classroom environment?
Do I deny the assertion that ALL editors would have to bowlderize ALL their edits? Yes, it is a false proposition on the face of it. I just made an edit to an article which was in no way "bowlderized". Hundreds of editors make thousands of edits every day in which there is no consideration of bowlderization whatsoever.