A previous post inspired me to use tineye.com to see if any of my photos uploaded to Wikipedia have been reused anywhere. It's interesting to see that some have!
Yes, a Wall Street Journal blog used my (featured) image of Luna Park in Melbourne. Metaphorically...
http://www.wired.com/culture/lifestyle/multimedia/2008/06/gallery_roller_coa... Wired carefully credits 7 out of the 8 photos in its half-arsed "Collest roller coasters" collection. Guess which one misses out?
http://www.spoki.lv/foto-izlases/Pasi-briesmigakie-kalnini-pasaule/8989 Some latvian linkspam site probably earned a couple of cents from it...
http://peccataminuta.wordpress.com/2008/03/18/mont-saint-michele/ The second image from the top (yes, the terrible one with the white sky) is surprisingly popular...god knows why.
http://celticfestival.ie/programme_welsh.php The church illustrating "Dydd Iau Hydref 4" is from [[Image:Church_in_Kilkenny.jpg]] - I didn't even know which church it was when I uploaded it :) And now the locals are using the image for their own tourism site...cool!
http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=hp&hl=en&js=n&u=http:... Heh, they're using my photo of a truck crash near Melbourne University to illustrate a story about car accidents in Bratislava...
http://www.vidilife.com/video_play_995337_Real_Crashes_7.htm Oh and look, someone's made it the first image in a really crappy slideshow of vehicle accidents. How lovely.
But the most popular image of all? http://tineye.com/search/7b34c1bae7eba7ca3d2cf92816047c937add7399
I'm not quite sure what to make of all this. I do wish we were using a much better image repository than Commons.