Parker Peters wrote:
On 2/20/07, Guy Chapman wrote:
On Tue, 20 Feb 2007 10:41:56 -0800, Ray Saintonge wrote:
(apologies for non-trimmed top posting)
Ray, I subscribe to unblock-en-l.
So do I.
I admit that I didn't know about that list until it was mentioned in this thread. I confess too that I sometimes have wished that it did exist, for the uncharitable reason that I did not want to read through all the crap. But I never stated this before. It has seemed more important to keep an eye on this sort of thing.
I *know* some cases are valid even
though they are stated in obnoxious terms and often by obnoxious people. One who was unblocked under a month ago is now in front of ArbCom; the unblock was probably valid but I'd not have unblocked.
Which proves that you don't deserve the power you have, since you're willing to throw the book at people even when it's clear they've already been abused by someone else.
I'm not concerned right now with specifying who deserves the power. Rather than "throw the book" at anyone, I would prefer techniques that give us a better chance to identify those who have been unjustly treated. If a bad egg gets through from time to time that's nothing to worry about. The bad ones are good at repeating their mistakes, and will soon enough let us know.