Bob Jordan wrote:
In your email to other wikipedia monitors/admins, I would appreciate a
that CountryGuide provides a full reciprocal deep-link back to the appropriate country. And, while I understand that you may not think they are useful (no offense taken -I understand the issue of spamming a directory), the general public seems to think otherwise. CountryGuide is being developed along the same lines as StateGuide which (surprisingly to me, too) is receiving good reviews as a reference utility. See:
Yes, I acknowledge that CountryGuide links back to Wikipedia. I'm not sure that that makes the links any more useful or relevant, although it's nice to see.
This isn't something I feel very strongly about (although other users appear to feel more so, the links have been removed). I agree directory sites are useful, but I'm not sure that they are useful as part of Wikipedia. If a link is particulary relevant to an article it should, I think, be linked to directly - not via CountryGuide or similar.
But, as I say, I don't feel very strongly about this either way.