Robert wrote:
Sean B. writes:
Please explain to me how speech can kill someone. For extra credit, explain how words on a Web page can do any physical harm.
Do you really not know the answer? Ok, I will answer your question honestly, and accurately:
Many people used to say and write "I hate the fucking Jews. Kill the Jews". Then some people did kill Jews.
People? Wait a minute, we were talking about words killing someone! Where'd these people come from?
Many people used to say and write "I hate the fucking niggers. Kill the niggers". Then some people did kill blacks.
People? Wait a minute, we were talking about words killing someone! Where'd these people come from?
Many people used to say and write "I hate the fucking queers. Kill the quuers". Then some people did kill homosexuals.
People? Wait a minute, we were talking about words killing someone! Where'd these people come from?
In the real world, repeated hateful words often lead to violent actions. Anyone who claims otherwise is a poor liar.
Nobody that I know of is claiming that. The claim was that words alone, with no help from anyone, were killing people.