Kirill Lokshin stated for the record:
Not to rain on anyone's parade, but Brandt seems disinclined to acquiesce to our request:
"Your question is so hypothetical that it boggles my mind, and I cannot even think about an answer at this point. It is true that last December I took down Hivemind. I'd still be inclined to do that, because now I'm more interested in Hive2 and the IRC search engine. In another six months, who knows what I'll be doing on Wikipedia-Watch?" (http://wikipediareview.com/index.php?showtopic=2010)
What exactly is the point of negotiating with him to take down the original Hivemind page if he plans to continue with his *other* activities?
And just in case anyone (hi, Sarah!) has any lingering doubt as to what our enemies will demand once they know we will cave in to their demands: "It [Wikipedia] needs to be dismantled, brickbat by brickbat, and disabled, administrator by administrator." --Daniel Brandt http://wikipediareview.com/index.php?showtopic=2010
- -- Sean Barrett | Yes, I am the last man to have walked on the sean@epoptic.com | moon, and that's a very dubious and disappointing | honor. It's been far too long. --Gene Cernan