Tonight, I can't sleep. So, I go up again. I look at Wikipedia. I look at the DNA article and its talk page.
I see the result of yesterday unprotection. It looked so obvious to me what would happen. I think of private mails. I think of mediation failing. I think of arbitration request. Arbitration request rejected because not approved by Jimbo. I see those putting oil on the fire. I think of dispute resolution method as currently suggested.
I see what is gonna happen. Likely... unsysoping and soft ban, right ?
And later, since nothing will be solved, hard ban ?
So mechanical.
You sure there was nothing else to do than wait, without answering, without commenting, just wait till *that* happen ?
(shaking my head in disbelief) (listening to heavy silence)
And feel so disheartened that I fail to send this to the right list :-)